Henrik Ibsen
The Wild Duck (Divoká kachna)

Upcoming Shows

26. 3. WE 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Gabriela Preissová, Kasha Jandáčková 

Gazda a roba (The Landlord and the Woman)

When a man leaves the family, it causes a stir and perhaps a little resentment. But what if the woman leaves the family? Two same actions, two different evaluations and impacts.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Takes place in Peškovka
30. 3. SU 19:00
Remi Oriogun-Williams / Ivet Sanz Vicente 

DUMBSTRUCK Theatre: Open Rehearsal

Outcome of the Dumbstruck theatre company residence in Peškovka.

3. 4. TH 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Jakub Čermák 

The Return of the King (Návrat krále)

A song-based philosophical retro musical about homesickness and a singer who (didn't) emigrate.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
4. 4. FR 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Jean Poiret 

La Cage Aux Folles (Klec bláznů)

A cult comedy with elements of a drag show as a celebration of freedom and self-expression, in which love wins in the end one way or another. Whatever form it takes.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
12. 4. SA 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Henrik Ibsen 

The Wild Duck (Divoká kachna)

When you deprive the average person of a lie in life, you also deprive them of happiness. The most important thing is at stake – the happy childhood of a teenage girl, Hedvika and her beloved wild duck.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
17. 4. TH 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Jean Poiret 

La Cage Aux Folles (Klec bláznů)

A cult comedy with elements of a drag show as a celebration of freedom and self-expression, in which love wins in the end one way or another. Whatever form it takes.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall


Canada, Israel and the USA. Švanda's theatre goes global, invites foreign theatre companies to Prague


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The theatre has barrier-free access, is air-conditioned and the Main Performance Hall is equipped with an induction loop for the hard of hearing.

First theatre in Prague with ENGLISH SUPERTITLES! Selected productions with Czech supertitles for hearing-impaired audience!

The theatre (foyer and cloakroom) opens 30 minutes before the show.
Main Performance Hall and Studio open 15 minutes before the show.


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