12. 3. WE 19:00
Mime Prague Main hall
Radim Vizváry 

Radim Vizváry: Sólo

The Best of Radim Vizváry; a cross-section of his work. He has been awarded for Thálie Awards 2016.

Mime Prague Main hall
Language barrier-free
Language barrier-free
14. 3. FR 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Gabriela Preissová, Kasha Jandáčková 

Gazda a roba (The Landlord and the Woman)

When a man leaves the family, it causes a stir and perhaps a little resentment. But what if the woman leaves the family? Two same actions, two different evaluations and impacts.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
26. 3. WE 19:00
Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Gabriela Preissová, Kasha Jandáčková 

Gazda a roba (The Landlord and the Woman)

When a man leaves the family, it causes a stir and perhaps a little resentment. But what if the woman leaves the family? Two same actions, two different evaluations and impacts.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble Main hall
Takes place in Peškovka
30. 3. SU 19:00
Remi Oriogun-Williams / Ivet Sanz Vicente 

DUMBSTRUCK Theatre: Open Rehearsal

Outcome of the Dumbstruck theatre company residence in Peškovka.