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David Finnigan

Kill Climate Deniers (Zabíjejte popírače klimatických změn)

Black comedy about the power of the media and the hot prospects for the future!

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 15 min without intermission
Director: Kristýna Jankovcová, Adam Svozil
Premiere Date: 25. 1. 2021
Derniere Date: 10. 6. 2023

What happens when the unstoppable force of climate change collides with political leaders unable to budge?

Environment Secretary Gwen Malkin is having a bad day. Caring for her daughter, the media storm surrounding her potentially toxic plans to tackle the climate crisis, pressure from the private sector - and she doesn't know that at the end of the day she's fighting a bloody battle for the future of Australian democracy or the planet? Fortunately, she is not alone in all this. Bekken, a dedicated social media guru, stands by her side, wielding the most powerful weapon of all - twenty-three followers on Twitter.

The game takes the best of Quentin Tarantino's dark comedies, the rhetoric of Al Gore and the treasure trove of popular music. At the same time, he asks questions: who will make society start treating the planet more carefully? Scientists? Climate experts? Eco-terrorists? And is it even necessary?

Finnigan's play cuts across all groups of the opinion spectrum and is therefore not another ecological agitation, but rather a satirical comedy that reveals the power of the media and social networks and their influence on the opinion of the often bloodthirsty public.

Švanda theatre presented the play in the Czech online premiere on January 25, 2021.

Cast: Natálie Řehořová, Anna Grundmanová, Marie Štípková, Lucia Čižinská, Nataša Bednářová

TRANSLATION: Ester Žantovská
DIRECTORS: Kristýna Jankovcová, Adam Svozil
COSTUMES: Lenka Rozsnyóová
DRAMATURGY: David Košťák


Kdo chce zabít popírače klimatických změn? Satira nadchne oba tábory

Tomáš Šťástka, idnes.cz

Zabíjejte popírače klimatických změn

David Finnigan

Kill Climate Deniers (Zabíjejte popírače klimatických změn)

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 15 min without intermission
Director: Kristýna Jankovcová, Adam Svozil
Premiere Date: 25. 1. 2021
Derniere Date: 10. 6. 2023

We are preparing the program.