Presale for April has started!
Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Katzelmacher (Kočkožrout)

No one else will touch our cats!

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 10 min without intermission
Director: Jan Holec
Premiere Date: 24. 1. 2020
Derniere Date: 30. 12. 2021

Czech premiere of the play by the cult director, playwright and actor Rainer Werner Fassbinder about a group of people in a small town. They spend time sitting around, sipping alcohol, talking about nothing, and dreaming of a new beginning… until one comes.

A hiring worker with hot southern blood and a well-built figure not only manages factory work, but also whirls up every women's skirt. Not surprisingly, the men begin to open the knives in their pockets. He got too close to everyone. And that has to be punished!

Cast: Andrea Buršová, Bohdana Pavlíková, Anna Stropnická, Sára Venclovská, Jan Grundman, Miroslav Hruška, Robert Jašków a David Punčochář

DRAMATURGY: Martina Kinská
STAGE DESIGN: Jan Štěpánek
COSTUMES: Paulína Bočková
MUSIC: David Hlaváč 


Copyright©Verlag der Autoren, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 


Nenávist pramení z primitivního uvažování. Kočkožrout se ve Švandově divadle zakousne do živého

Veronika Štefanová, Český rozhlas Vltava
Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Katzelmacher (Kočkožrout)

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 10 min without intermission
Director: Jan Holec
Premiere Date: 24. 1. 2020
Derniere Date: 30. 12. 2021

We are preparing the program.