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David Košťák

Hladová země (Hungry land)

A mysterious play about a generation that dug its own future written by a young Czech playwright.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 30 min without intermission
Director: Štěpán Pácl
Premiere Date: 2. 3. 2019
Derniere Date: 13. 5. 2019

A tragicomic vision of a little town, where people work minimally in order to have time to take part in feasts and celebrations.  All the work is done by strange men who work in mines. They get a blessing and then they are sent undergroung. Others enjoy themselves with drink served by the sweet barmaid who has insight for almost everyone and everything.

However there are things and events that nobody talks about. No one can even begin to think that the peculiar sickness of the mayor has something to do with the motto „after us, the deluge“. The mayor can’t loose his popularity and people’s trust. Especially the youngest generation must keep the pace and keep their mouths shut, ask no questions and certainly not look elsewhere. No departures are allowed from this town. Why would someone want to leave, when it’s so good in here anyway? And due to new mining sites, the future is even brighter.

But there is much more than mineral resources beneath the surface of this paradise. The more they feast, the more long forgotten crimes reveal themselves along with a mysterious stranger who comes to remedy the ancient grievance. Some already hear his steps, others find him too familiar.

The world premiere of a play written exclusively for Švanda theatre by one of the most distanctive voices among young Czech playwrights.

Kindly note that actors smoke on stage during the show.

MARKÉTA: Andrea Buršová
MAYOR: David Punčochář
RICHARD: Tomáš Petřík
ŠTĚPÁNKA: Denisa Barešová / Martina Krátká
PAVEL: Luboš Veselý
LÍDA: Marie Štípková
BARBORA: Bohdana Pavlíková
LAĎA: Petr Buchta 
JAKUB: Filip Březina
PETŘÍK: Samuel Toman
+ cemballo: Jiřina Dvořáková


DIRECTOR: Štěpán Pácl
DRAMATURGY: Martina Kinská
STAGE DESIGN: Jana Kahounová
COSTUMES: Alena Dziarnovich
MUSIC: Jakub Kudláč
PRODUCTION: Jitka Dvořáková


Události v kultuře

Česká televize

Město, které se může propadnou do dolů. Je to metafora k současnému dění, říká dramatik

Alena Pecháčková, Lidovky.cz

Ve Švandově divadle uvedli Hladovou zemi, hru záhadnou, temnou i vtipnou

Markéta Pavelková, cysnews.cz

Hladová země ukazuje, jakou moc mají peníze

Janka Mišúnová, kultura21.cz
David Košťák

Hladová země (Hungry land)

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 30 min without intermission
Director: Štěpán Pácl
Premiere Date: 2. 3. 2019
Derniere Date: 13. 5. 2019

We are preparing the program.