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Jan Balabán

Maybe We're Leaving (Možná že odcházíme)

Fathers, sons, love and nonlove in the play based on awarded texts of Jan Balabán.

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 20 min without intermission
Director: Martin Františák
Premiere Date: 29. 3. 2014
Derniere Date: 3. 4. 2017

The play MAYBE WE'RE LEAVING is based on the short stories and the novel of the prematurely decesead Ostrava-born author Jan Balabán (1961 – 2010). This author's collection of short stories received the 2005 Magnesia Litera Award and the Book of the Decade Award in 2011 in memoriam.

Jan Balabán was a significant and exceptional persona of the past decades who contributed greatly to the Czech literature - his writing talks about losers, breakups, family breakdowns, alcoholism, relation to the father, forming relationships with one's children, feeling of existential burden juxtaposed with the finality of life.

Kindly note that actors smoke on stage during the show. 

SCRIPT: Martin Františák
DRAMATURGY: Lucie Kolouchová
STAGE DESIGN: Jan Štěpánek
COSTUMES: Lucie Labajová
PRODUCTION: Ilona Hájková


Po našemu na dně podle spisovatele Jana Balabána

Jiří P. Kříž, novinky.cz

Balabánův hutný jazyk sám utáhne divadelní Možná že odcházíme

Tomáš Šťástka, idnes.cz

Kryl, Bondy a Balabán - 3 x z české historie

Jana Soprová, scena.cz
Jan Balabán

Maybe We're Leaving (Možná že odcházíme)

Švandovo Theatre Ensemble
Show Length: 1 hr 20 min without intermission
Director: Martin Františák
Premiere Date: 29. 3. 2014
Derniere Date: 3. 4. 2017

We are preparing the program.